Our team is comprised of highly skilled and talented staff members who are ready to assist you throughout every phase of production – from consultation, to bidding, to installation – to ensure that your project is successful. Consulting, product expertise, and personal attention to our clients’ needs are the distinctions that make Diener Brick invaluable to our clients. Our sales team is ready to assist you with creative and technical ideas, as well as solutions.
Whether from our office, at your facility, or on the jobsite, we understand that effective communication, quick service, and good follow-through are paramount in our business, which is the main focus of our sales team. Because your projects rely on so many important details, we have team members dedicated to specific functions, such as order entry and shipping, to ensure that these critical processes are handled efficiently and accurately.
Technical Assistance:
When you have technical questions or problems during any phase of production, we’re available to assist you. Whether we are providing answers from our sales force, consulting with the manufacturer, or seeking outside expertise from our network, our team is there to support you. We often visit with masonry and general contractors on-site and, if needed, we will recruit additional engineers or other technical experts to help you resolve your problem or answer your question.
We take pride in our ability to quickly provide samples as you need them, so you can deliver sample boards for your clients in a timely manner. When you need a realistic representation of how your materials, colors, or material combinations will look in full scale, we’ll help you craft a custom panel board with your selections to help your client visualize the final look.
We encourage architects to utilize our office and showroom as a resource, both for their clients and themselves. By exposing clients to many options at once, architects can assist the client in making decisions more easily, thereby making the selection process even more convenient and efficient.
Brick and Materials Matching:
Matching existing materials can be difficult, but with our experienced sales force and our many manufacturers we can come up with a match to almost anything. Also, having been in the marketplace for over 75 years, we have knowledge of our territory and have an extensive database of the projects we have supplied, so when you have questions about a current or previous order, or need to match prior specifications, we have instant access to the information you need.
Continued Education:
Diener Brick takes a proactive approach in providing education forums for the industry in order to keep you informed about products and trends that impact your business. Plant tours, lunch seminars, and coordinated training events with local institutions and associations, such as the AIA, keep you informed and provide opportunities for Continued Learning Credits. We’ll even facilitate tailored programs for your team in-house.